


npm install @solid-primitives/clipboard
yarn add @solid-primitives/clipboard
pnpm add @solid-primitives/clipboard


This primitive is designed to that make reading and writing to Clipboard API easy. It also comes with a convenient directive to write to clipboard.

  • readClipboard - A basic non-reactive primitive that makes accessing the clipboard easy.
  • writeClipboard - A basic non-reactive primitive that makes writing to the clipboard easy.
  • createClipboard - This primitive provides full facilities for reading and writing to the clipboard. It allows for writing to clipboard via exported function or input signal. It wraps the Clipboard Async API with a resource and supplies reactive helpers to make pulling from the clipboard easy.
  • copyToClipboard - convenient directive for setting the clipboard value.


A basic non-reactive primitive that makes accessing the clipboard easy. Note that write supports both string and ClipboardItems object structure.

#How to use it

import { readClipboard } from "@solid-primitives/clipboard";

const clipboard = await readClipboard();

clipboard.forEach(item => {
  if (item.type == "text/plain") {


A basic non-reactive primitive that makes writing to the clipboard easy. Note that write supports both string and ClipboardItems object structure.

#How to use it

import { writeClipboard } from "@solid-primitives/clipboard";

writeClipboard("Hello World");

// or

  new ClipboardItem({
    "text/plain": new Blob(["Hello World"], { type: "text/plain" }),


This primitive provides full facilities for reading and writing to the clipboard. It allows for writing to clipboard via exported function or input signal. It wraps the Clipboard Async API with a resource and supplies reactive helpers to make pulling from the clipboard easy.

#How to use it

const [data, setData] = createSignal("Hello");
const [clipboard, refresh] = createClipboard(data); // will write "Hello" to clipboard

setData("foobar"); // will write "foobar" to clipboard

refresh(); // will read from clipboard and update clipboard() signal

return (
  <Suspense fallback={"Loading..."}>
    <For each={clipboard()}>
      {item => (
          <Match when={item.type == "text/plain"}>{item.text}</Match>
          <Match when={item.type == "image/png"}>
            <img class="w-full" src={URL.createObjectURL(item.blob)} />

Note: The primitive binds and listens for clipboardchange meaning that clipboard changes should automatically propagate. The implementation however is buggy on certain browsers.


You can also use clipboard as a convenient directive for setting the clipboard value. You can override the default value and the setter with the options parameter.

import { copyToClipboard } from "@solid-primitives/clipboard";
<input type="text" use:copyToClipboard />;


function copyToClipboard(
  el: Element,
  options: MaybeAccessor<{
    value?: any;
    setter?: ClipboardSetter;
    highlight?: HighlightModifier;

#Highlighters/Range Selection

In some scenarios you'll want to highlight or select a range of text. copyToClipboard has an option to specify the type of highlighting you'd like. Use either input or element based on the type you're making selectable.

import { copyToClipboard, input, element } from "@solid-primitives/clipboard";
<input type="text" use:copyToClipboard={{ highlight: input() }} />;
<div use:copyToClipboard={{ highlight: element(5, 10) }} />;


This package ships with newItem which is a helper method for creating new ClipboardItem types.

import { newItem } from "@solid-primitives/clipboard";
write([newItem("image/png", await image.blob())]);


function newItem(type: string, data: ClipboardItemData): ClipboardItem;


Live Site

You may view a working example in the /dev playground deplayed on [](

