Flux Store



npm install @solid-primitives/flux-store
yarn add @solid-primitives/flux-store
pnpm add @solid-primitives/flux-store


A library for creating Solid stores with implementing state management through explicit getters for reads and actions for writes.

  • createFluxStore — Creates a store instance with explicit getters and actions.
  • createFluxStoreFactory — Create a FluxStore encapsulated in a factory function for reusable store implementation.


Creates a FluxStore instance - a solid store that implements state management through explicit getters for reads and actions for writes.

#How to use it

createFluxStore takes two arguments:

  • initialState - the initial state of the store.

  • createMethods - object containing functions to create getters and/or actions.

    • getters - functions that return a value from the store's state.
    • actions - untracked and batched functions that update the store's state.
import { createFluxStore } from "@solid-primitives/flux-store";

const counterState = createFluxStore(
  // initial state
    value: 5,
    // reads
    getters: state => ({
      count() {
        return state.value;
    // writes
    actions: setState => ({
      increment(by = 1) {
        setState("value", p => p + by);
      reset() {
        setState("value", 0);

// read
counterState.getters.count(); // => 5

// write
counterState.getters.count(); // => 6


Creates a FluxStore encapsulated in a factory function for reusable store implementation.

#How to use it

const createToggleState = createFluxStoreFactory(
  // initial state
    value: false,
  // reads
  getters: state => ({
    isOn() {
      return state.value;
  // writes
  actions: setState => ({
    toggle() {
      setState("value", p => !p);

// state factory can be reused in different components
const toggleState = createToggleState(
  // initial state can be overridden
  { value: true },

// read
toggleState.getters.isOn(); // => true

// write
toggleState.getters.isOn(); // => false


Live Site

View Demo: https://vu5z5u-3000.preview.csb.app

Open Demo Editor: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/solid-primitives-store-web-demo-vu5z5u
