


npm install @solid-primitives/spring
yarn add @solid-primitives/spring
pnpm add @solid-primitives/spring


A small SolidJS hook to interpolate signal changes with spring physics. Inspired by & directly forked from svelte-motion/spring as such, has a very familiar API design.

With this primitive, you can easily animate values that can be interpolated like number, date, and collections (arrays or nested objects) of those datatypes.

  • createSpring - Provides a getter and setter for the spring primitive.
  • createDerivedSpring - Provides only a getter for the spring primitive deriving from an accessor parameter. Similar to the @solid-primitives/tween API.

The following physics options are available:

  • stiffness (number, default 0.15) — a value between 0 and 1 where higher means a 'tighter' spring
  • damping (number, default 0.8) — a value between 0 and 1 where lower means a 'springier' spring
  • precision (number, default 0.01) — determines the threshold at which the spring is considered to have 'settled', where lower means more precise

#How to use it

// Basic Example
const [progress, setProgress] = createSpring(0);

// Example with options (less sudden movement)
const [radialProgress, setRadialProgress] = createSpring(0, { stiffness: 0.05 });

// Example with collections (e.g. Object or Array).
const [xy, setXY] = createSpring(
  { x: 50, y: 50 },
  { stiffness: 0.08, damping: 0.2, precision: 0.01 },

// Example deriving from an existing signal.
const [myNumber, myNumber] = createSignal(20);
const springedValue = createDerivedSpring(myNumber, { stiffness: 0.03 });


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